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Engineers working on Apollo 11 LEM computer could only guess

Apollo 11 LEM

Apollo 11 scientists work to solve problems for the first time landing a man on the moon

This article is reprinted from Sci-Tech Archives This is a fascinating account of the computer technology, people and project skills required to land Apollo 11 without mishap. It always boils down to some very intelligent and dedicated people working on a project to make it successful. We are indebted to the many people who recorded their work on the space program for the rest of us to study. July 19, 2009 NJN Network

Computers in the Apollo Program

The comp.realtime newsgroup has carried an interesting discussion of computers used on board the Apollo Command and Lunar modules. For those of you who haven’t seen this, here’s a repost of a fascinating story about these antique machines.

by Stanley R. Mohler, Jr. Dec ’94

A few months ago I posted a message in seeking info on the Lunar Module on-board computer and its software. I soon got some private e-mail from Allan Klumpp, the principal designer of the Apollo Lunar Module on-board descent software. He also wrote the steering system for the digital autopilot.


Apollo 11 LEM computer interface

He invited me to call him which I did. I thought I would summarize here my understanding of some of the fascinating info he gave me over a 1.25-hour period.

Allan was one of about 300 people who designed the LM’s software over a 7 year period for 46 million 1967-era dollars. He did his work as a graduate student at the MIT Draper Lab during the Apollo years.

The LM and CM had identical computers on board, each the size of a shoe box. Each contained a total storage capacity of 36K of 14-bit words. This means total storage was roughly equal to the 64K bytes of a Commodore-64 computer.

The LM’s computer had a “memory cycle time” of 11.7 micro-seconds. However, virtually all CPU operations required at least 2 clock cycles making the effective memory cycle time 23.4 micro-seconds, i.e., it effectively ran at only about 43 kHz (0.043 MHz)! Note that the original IBM PC-XT ran at 4.77 MHz, and the latest PC’s run at about 66 MHz. The fastest computers today run at about 300 MHz. The LM computer is probably comparable in speed to a pocket calculator. Numbers were represented using 14-bit words in double-precision (i.e., 28 bits). The 15th and 16th bit were for the sign of the number and for parity checking (i.e., to make sure the chips were all in sync with the clock pulses). Calculations were fixed-point (not floating-point).

The on-board program, named “LUMINARY”, was stored in read-only core-rope memory which took months to manufacture (the program fills about 10 cm of print-out). Therefore the software had to be in final form months before launch. LUMINARY version 99 landed Apollo 11. Version 209 was the final version.


Apollo LM Primary Guidance and Navigation System (PGNS) Don Eyles

The computer also contained a small eraseable area of about 2K 14- bit words to temporarily store variables in. The computer was built entirely out of integrated circuit NOR gates: one type of gate for high reliability.

Allan, his friend Don Eyles, and about 300 others wrote their programs in the first high-order computer language, called MAC (MIT Algebraic Compiler), then compiled it BY HAND into assembly language, which they typed onto punched cards (there were no terminals or text editors). Incidentally, the Shuttle’s software is written in a language called HAL/S, named after Hal Lanning, the author of MAC. HAL/S is an improved version of MAC.

For a more detail discussion of the software program, see Don Eyles paper.

The LUMINARY program consisted of many subprograms which were priority driven, i.e., they took turns executing according to their priority. Each program would move data in and out of the very small eraseable area of memory (2K in size).

The biggest debugging challenge was to keep programs from erasing, or “overlaying”, another program’s data at inappropriate times. If too many tasks were demanding the computer’s time, it would simply delay or THROW AWAY what it had been working on, issue an alarm, and start working on the new item.

Such frightening alarms occurred during the Apollo 11 landing (first moon landing). If you listen to recordings of the landing, you will hear the Capcom say “1201 alarm” and “1202 alarm.” The astronauts’ checklist had erroneously called for the astronauts to turn on the rendezvous radar before initiation of the descent. Subsequently, the program that managed the radar began demanding too much of the computer’s spare margin of time. The power supply for the radar was not properly synchronized with the LM’s main power supply.

Consequently, as the two power supplies went in and out of synchronization, the rendezvous radar generated many spurious input signals to the LM’s computer. In responding to these signals, the computer delayed some of its guidance calculations and left others unfinished. This situation caused the computer to issue alarms during the landing. During a normal descent, the guidance program, which brought the LM to its target landing site using a minimum of fuel, would issue commands once every two seconds.

Steering commands to the digital autopilot, which kept the LM stable, were issued every 10th of a second. Although the landing, which had an 11-minute guidance phase, was successful, a full minute’s worth of guidance commands were never issued by the computer due to rendezvous radar!

For debugging, the programmers at MIT had an IBM 360 model 175 mainframe computer that acted as a simulator of the LM. Allan and his colleagues would test their software in this simulator, which interfaced with their software just as the real LM, with its associated dynamics, would. The IBM 360 produced printed output as well as plots of the trajectories of the simulated landings.

In the real LM, the on-board computer had a digital display and a keyboard. During landing, the computer would display a number, updated periodically. The LM “Pilot”, who was on the right and never touched the controls, would continuously read out updated values of this number.

The Commander on the left, who was actually manipulating the controls, would find this number on a reticule painted on the window. The target landing spot, where the computer was trying to land, would be visible at that location out the window. The commander would “fly” the LM by redesignating to a new landing spot by clicking a hand controller.

In this way, Neil Armstrong carefully steered the LM away from an unexpected crater full of Volkswagen-size boulders, setting the LM down with only 30 seconds of fuel left! One click of the hand controller would move the landing spot by a couple of degrees. Allan chose to program in 2 degrees left/right, and a half degree up and down (i.e., forward and backward).

Later he changed it to 1 degree both ways, at the astronauts’ request. The commander could also increase or decrease his descent rate by one foot/second by clicking a second hand controller.

LUMINARY was never completely bug free. Allan told me about a fascinating series of events that could have easily prevented the first moon landing and might have caused disaster. Allan was the principal designer of the LM’s descent guidance program which steered the LM by gimballing and throttling the descent engine.

Whenever the computer commanded the engine to increase or decrease thrust, the engine (and LM) reacted after a short time lag. Allan’s descent program needed a routine to accurately estimate the new thrust level, which could be accomplished by reading the “delta-V” (change in velocity) measured by the LM’s accelerometers.

He wrote a short routine that took into consideration, i.e., compensated for, the engine’s lag time, which TRW’s “interface control document”, full of useful information for the programmers, said was 0.3 seconds. It took 0.3 seconds for the LM’s descent engine to achieve whatever thrust level the computer might request.

The final version of the thrust routine, which was put into the LM, was written by Allan’s friend Don Eyles. Eyles was sufficiently enthusiastic about the programming challenge that he found a way of writing it which required compensating for only 0.2 of the 0.3 seconds. The IBM 360 simulator showed Eyles’ program worked

His routine was aboard Apollos 11 and 12 which landed successfully. However, telemetry transmitted during the landings later showed something to be very wrong. The engines were surging up and down in thrust level, and were barely stable.

A guy at Johnson Space Center called Allan and informed him that the LM’s engine was not a 0.3-second-lag engine after all. It had been improved some time before Apollo 11’s launch such as to lower the lag time to only 0.075 seconds.

Correction of this item in the interface control document had simply been overlooked. Once this discrepancy was discovered, the IBM 360 simulator was reprogrammed to properly simulate the actual, faster engine. Running on the simulator, Don Eyle’s thrust program, with the 0.2-second compensation, exhibited the surging that had occurred on the real flights.

But here’s the most interesting fact: the simulator also showed that had Allan Klumpp chose to “correct” Don Eyles’ program by compensating for the full 0.3 seconds that was printed in the document, the LM would have been unstable and Apollo 11 would never have been able to land.

By pure luck, Don Eyles was creative enough to write the thrust routine in a way that kept the LM just inside the stability envelope and allowed successful landings!

Allan’s descent program called “P64” periodically computed a polynomial function to describe the optimum descent trajectory. This polynomial would smoothly merge the LM’s current position and velocity vectors into the target point position and velocity vector.

The “target point” for P64 was just above the landing point (When the LM reached the target point with a small vertical descent rate, P64 would cease execution and the landing phase would be handled by a program called “P66”). The computer would then make the LM fly the trajectory, which would be recomputed every 2 seconds.

An opportunity for disaster presented itself here. Many readers may know enough mathematics to understand the undesirable “wiggles” that can be generated by high-order polynomial curve fits. Under conceivable circumstances, the polynomial function computed by P64 could droop down, go beneath the lunar
surface, rise out of the surface, then descend to the target point!

If such a trajectory were computed during a real landing, and the LM were allowed to follow it, the LM would crash. There was no logic coded in to detect this situation and prevent it. No programming solution was ever found.

An example scenario where this disaster could have happened follows. If the LM was off course, away from the terrain model stored in the computer, and flying over a deep crater, the landing radar would fool the computer into thinking the LM was higher relative to the mean surface than it previously assumed. This could cause a newly computed polynomial trajectory to “droop” down sharply, unintentionally intersect the real lunar surface, then rise back out of the surface, inviting the LM to crash! Allan said this problem could conceivably be remedied by an astute astronaut retargeting the landing point beyond the fuel range (at least for a while!).

What would the computer have done if the LM’s descent engine quit cold a mile above the moon? The computer would not have initiated any automatic solutions.
Allan said the astronauts simply would have pressed an abort button, which would have jettisoned the descent stage and ignited the ascent engine for return to the CM.

I would like to thank Allan Klumpp for the time he spent explaining this stuff to me. It was absolutely fascinating to hear him talk. I hope readers have enjoyed reading my description of Allan’s comments.”


  1. Brian

    Fascinating and excellent article!


  2. Sparky

    Wow, I really enjoyed all that detail.
    Great read!

  3. siegfriedmarquardt

    Mathematics and Physics refutation of Apollo 11 to N

    1. After Sternfeld (1959) only two 14-day constellations and a 60-day scenario should exist to reach the moon with an artificial spacecraft from Earth and land on the earth. Regardless of the theoretical facts and details of Sternfeld, required the research satellite SMART I, which was launched end of September 2003, 49 days until the moon level and five months until the probe einmündete in lunar orbit. And successfully running in the December 2013 lunar expedition of Chinese probe Chang`e-3 proved impressively that it takes at least 14 days to cope with the distance from the Earth to the Moon. This Apollo 11 would already impressively refuted empirically because a putative 8-day regime that is allegedly practiced with Apollo 11 and drilled, astrophysical theoretically and empirically does not exist!

    2. The cosmic radiation, which would have affected the astronauts within eight days would have been absolutely hopeless! After all, you would have incorporated a lethal dose of at least 11 Sv to 26 Sv depending on the chosen model calculation. if you are in this context to the high-energy particle density in the cosmos and to the particle stream the sun with the solar constant of 8.5 * 1015 MeV / m * s thinking. After meeting Lindner (1973) per second per square meter in 1300 protons from the cosmos to the Earth’s atmosphere. Extrapolating this energy to the eight days-long “lunar mission” high, would result in the massive dose of more than 1000 Sv! The astronauts had the flight to the moon and earth not survive back in any case, since the absolute lethal dose is 10 Sv. This Apollo 11 and N would be absolutely refuted!

    3. It was missing a total of 90 tons of rocket fuel to get from Earth to the moon and from there back to Earth by NASA on the given loop-shaped trajectory. Furthermore, the amount of fuel and the former fuel parameters would have a moon charge and even boot from the moon under the former conditions impossible. Alone for the transition from the elliptical trajectory close to the Moon would be for the braking of the CSM + LM with a total of 45.3 t mass of the 2.3 km / s to 1.5 km / s for the lunar orbit [1- (1: 2,72 high (0, 8: 2,6) ] *45,3 t = 45.3* (1 -0,74) * 45.3 t = 0.26 *45,3 ≈ 12 tonnes of fuel have been necessary! The remaining three tons a moon landing would not have been possible and start from as little moon! On the Moon, LM did not have 14 t, but 15-8 = 7 t!

    4. Reconstruction of the command module at a predetermined height by NASA of 3.23 m and a diameter of 3.9 m, resulting in the end can only result a total volume of about 12.9 m³, showed that after deduction of the declared internal volume of 6.23 m³ volume of the outer cell of the command module only about 6.7 m³ could include. With a mass of 5.9 t the density of the command module would thus have to be only about 0.9. This would “afford” not even paper or cardboard! Another mathematical optimization was then that the outer cell only from a 2.5 cm thick aluminum layer could exist – without the heat shield. If one half of the total mass of 5.9 tonnes for a heat shield as a basis, the heat shield could consist of only 2 mm thick steel. A commentary is superfluous almost: The command module would be in the earth’s atmosphere with a theoretically calculated braking temperature of at least 45,000 K like a shooting star burns!

    5. Even in a preliminary phase in the reconstruction of the Lunar Module according to NASA parameters after deduction of the alleged approx MTr = 10.8 t invoiced fuel mass of the starting compound with Mo = 15 t the Lunar Module merely remain only 4.2 t to empty weight, already with the material reconstruction of the cabin (about 1.1 tons), parts of the outer cell (1.3 t), and the declared weight (1.7 t), without taking into account the weight the astronauts with their space suits (400 kg), the mass of the tank and the two main engines of the Lunar Module (…) of 600 kg exceeded. Total lacked exceeding 3 tonnes construction mass, could be as originally stated by NASA and how 11 is impressive and convincing with the total reconstruction of the Luna module of Apollo.

    6. Furthermore, the pendulum behavior of the flag on the moon is extremely treacherous! For the pendulum period T, which is physically connected to the pendulum length l (l = 0.7 m) and the gravitational acceleration g (g = 9.81) to

    T = 2 * π * √ l: g (1)

    calculated, would have on the Moon

    T = 6.28 * √ 0.7 m 1.6 m / s ≈ 4.2 s (2)

    respectively. In the TV film documentaries period lasts but close to 2 s, as indicated on the earth. The exact calculation of the period for the earth yields accurate

    T = 6.28 * √ 0.7 m / 9.81 ≈ 1.7 s. (3)

    This time difference of 2.5 s is serious! In addition, a slightly damped periodic oscillation would arise on the moon, because there is no atmosphere is present on the moon. The increasing vibration is true but almost aperiodic. Summary: The shooting took place so unique on earth!

    7. A mechanical instability of the lunar module would have made an intact moon landing impossible! Every person on the planet has probably already seen a failed rocket launch when the rocket has already picked up a few meters from the launch pad and then fail the engines and do not produce more power. As a result, the rocket moves the physical laws of gravity accordingly again towards the launch platform and then tilts due to the mechanical instability simply because the center of gravity has changed dramatically. This would also be the fate of the lunar module of Apollo 11 was because shortly before landing an absolute instability of the ferry would have been! Because: Full expected gross, the rising level would have had to ground just before landing on the moon for about 5 t and the descending stage would have received under the fuel consumption of only 8 t only about 2 tons of empty weight had. As the focus of the Lunar Module must have lain on the moon exactly at 2.10 m before landing the ferry across the nozzle, the torques would like 2.5: 1 to 3: 1 behaved. For an absolutely unstable mechanical system would be active! Even the smallest vibration, such as vibrations through the engine or pressure fluctuations in the effluent gases in the nozzle of the engine have the lunar position ferry can easily tip over! A moon landing would indeed be “successful”, but a return from the moon would have been so impossible. However, since 11 have fortunately survived the imaginary adventures all actors of Apollo, it can be concluded razor sharp, no moon landing took place.
    The solution of the physical problem is that the focus of a lander simply must be at the level of the nozzle of the engine, such as the Chinese realize this in December 2013, and practiced.

    P. S. By the way, the author had the skeptical thoughts on the instability of the lunar module landing on the moon more than 45 years ago spontaneously for about 1 s had entertained!

    Siegfried Marquardt, Kingswells

  4. siegfriedmarquardt

    The Americans themselves have debunked – Apollo 11 was the biggest hoax of all time !

    Everyone has probably wondered already once , like Neil Armstrong was filmed when getting out of the lunar module , where he was the first man on the moon . Now the puzzle solution : On 11.27.2015 the TV channel ARTE aired under the heading ‘ Missing film treasures ” images and movies to Apollo 11 and in particular to the moon landing . When Neil Armstrong stepped out of the lunar module , a camera above ( !!! ) of Luke about Neil Amstrong has been activated with the opening of the hatch . Now the legitimate question , as Neil Amstrong was then laterally filmed from below ? The Americans have shot himself in the foot with this movie scenes themselves ! Apollo 11 was by evidence of Amis (evidence of lost film Apollo 11 ) the purest hoax !!!!!!!!!

    Siegfried Marquardt , King Wusterhausen 2018

  5. siegfriedmarquardt

    External storage of the data would result in a latency Δt of 2.7 s
    On 07.10.2018 once again a show on Apollo11 was broadcast on the TV channel for the umpteenth time on Apollo11. Here, among other things, the critical phase of the supposed landing on the moon 150 m above the lunar surface was discussed. A protagonist demonstrated how the landing was practiced. Apart from the fact that the landing would not have to be a hyperbola, but a parabola, due to the lack of storage capacity of the on-board computer, the controller can not be located externally from Earth, as this would result in a latency of almost 3 s! If the control of the earth via external computing power / storage capacity would have taken place, then there would concretely a time delay of the radio signals of .DELTA.t = 2 * D * c = 2 * 400,000 km: 300,000 km / s ≈ 2.7 s. At speeds of vB = 1.7 km / s around the moon and landing on the moon, the position of the lunar module would be Δx = vB * Δt = 1.7 km / s * 2.7 s ≈ 4 , 6 km change. Thus, the ferry would certainly crashed or landed in a wrong position. At the confluence with the lunar orbit, even a change in position of Δx = vB * Δt = 2.5 km / s * 2.7 s ≈ 6.8 km would result. Thus, the protagonists have refuted themselves to Apollo 11!

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