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California disability activists arrested for civil disobedience outside Governor Schwarzenegger’s home

San Francisco Police arrest wheelchair activists at June protest

San Francisco Police arrest wheelchair activists at June protest

San Francisco Police arrest wheelchair activists at June protest photo Steve Rhodes

Cuts to State home care and disability care programs have activists hitting the streets

Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, July 20, 2009 with story from

Governor Schwarzenegger has been fighting the ballooning California deficit by cutting home care support for the disabled. On Jul 17th, protesters took their message to his home. Early protests at his office in Sacramento and San Francisco reminded us of the

“Yesterday, protestors were arrested outside Governor Schwarzenegger’s Brentwood home in L.A. as they did civil disobedience. They were demanding that the California budget continue to provide a social safety net for people with disabilities. The People’s Day of Reckoning Coalition, which often includes unionized in-home health care workers, has been targeting the Governor’s many offices around the state for over a month. Among their demands is shared sacrifices by the wealthy — that is, new taxes. Next week, Thursday, July 23, they plan to take their growing frustration to elected assembly members and senators at their local offices.

On July 7, more than 250 protestors blocked the front entrance to the governor’s office in Sacramento for six hours in an attempt to force Schwarzenegger to speak with them. When he left the building by another door at the end of the day, twelve people, most of them with severe disabilities, refused to leave. Several were part of a similar civil disobedience action in San Francisco in June. The twelve were arrested, cited and released.”

Listen to real stories about the disabled in California nursing care.

Social Media Role

You won’t find this story in the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle or anywhere except the independent Internet news media. The big companies that control the media don’t report the real news. That’s why they are going out of business.

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