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NJN, Space Exploration, USA

2 minutes 51 seconds to LEM departure from the Command Module in Apollo 11

Apollo 11 begins final preparation for the LEM to disconnect and head down to the moon

Apollo 11 begins final preparation for the LEM to disconnect and head down to the moon

Apollo 11 begins final preparation for the LEM to disconnect and head down to the moon

The LEM is being prepared to separate and head down to the lunar surface – pretty exciting coverage.

Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, July 20, 2009 with story from We Chose the Moon

As Apollo 11 starts its day orbiting the moon, activity picks up getting ready for the next stage when the LEM will break from the Command Module and head for the lunar landing. Armstrong is in the LEM and checking things out. You can hear the traffic in the livestream. Things are heating up activity wise.

Follow the action in realtime at We Chose the Moon.

Note to readers – this historic coverage of man’s first flight on the moon has pre-empted coverage of the current space station mission. There are only so many cycles in the day.

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