Music, IT & Human Rights since 2005

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Webtrix Conversion Blues – ain’t it hard to struggle hard to fall

Webtrix conversion blues # 2 phot by Future Blues from photography-on-the-net

Webtrix conversion blues # 2 phot by Future Blues from photography-on-the-net

Webtrix conversion blues # 2 photo by Future Blues from photography-on-the-net

When your website is down you ain’t got nothin’ at all

Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, June 29, 2009

As you may have noticed, things have changed. NJN Network has a new format and things went not too badly. We idled Friday night away on Victoria Row in complete, blissful ignorance of the mess we were headed for. Wine and song were the order of the evening.

We Can Work It Out by the Beatles

Somehow Webtrix made all the little scripts work and I acted like…well like a manager with somewhat inane suggestions. Saturday I went off to perform at the Farmer’s Market while she worked in a workman like and brilliant fashion. Hats off for those with hats and a hearty cheer otherwise for Webtrix who shrinks at no task.

Sunday I awoke with the usual eureka! The plan – organize the page around the stories people like and read the most. As as I dreamt, so it became a reality. The new site reflects story counts, views per story and trends in story readership over the past 90 days.

The “all night girls” are working daily to squeeze or stretch the pictures videos and other story features going backwards through to the beginning 2,445 stories ago. They should be done sometime this month. Most of June’s articles will be done this week etc.

For a painter, the loss of one’s palette or canvas is devastating. For a writer, no blog on which to publish is cruel torture (hence the picture). I survived.

I’m back in the saddle, writing and churning out breathless and provocative prose meant to pester the pedantic prestidigitators of the popular press and body politic.

Nothing is perfect and the new format has bugs. We are working them out. Thankfully we’re not down and spitting out error messages like our friends at Technorati who’ve been fuddle duddled for more than a month.

Cheers to all.

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons License – NJN Network Inc.

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