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Is Iran descending into civil war?

Man is shot in street

NJN Network, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, June 25, 2009 with story from LiveLink

The situation in Iran is not under control as the government reports. The protests may not be as large but they are intensifying. The protesters are armed with cell-phones as the videos show.

In the one video of the Basij being beaten, you can hear gun shots probably from the handgun that is in the picture. The Basij are armed and so is the military. Despite that they have been using clubs and other brutal weapons on the protesters.

Basij beaten in the street

How long will it be before the protesters retaliate with gunfire. The emotions are whipping up into a frenzy and there appears to be no quick end in sight. Guns are available everywhere in the world and no doubt are easy to find in Iran.

Basij firing backwards as the crowd chases them

The current Iranian government has opposition inside and outside the country. Someone is likely to arm the protesters.

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1 Comment

  1. Derekp

    I think i’ve seen this somewhere before…but it’s not bad at all

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