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Canada, Government of PEI, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island

Would someone tell Paula Biggar to smile

Hey Paula, where's your smile?

Hey Paula, where's your smile?

Hey Paula, where's your smile?

By Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, May 1, 2009

I was watching the PEI Legislature during lunch and there was old George Webster struggling to answer budget questions from Jim Bagnall. Poor George.

Sitting in for the speaker was Paula Biggar looking alternatively petulant, peeved or bored.

Come on Paula. You’re on TV. You never made this much money before in your life, nor did you dream you could. Smile. You are on camera.

1 Comment

  1. justin

    Paula Biggar is like Robert Vessey used to be. If you look at vessey from year past he always had scowl on his face.

    Since he got elected he is always smiling now.

    Now grant you he get s big salary and car and credit card for being Government House Leader and has no work to do for it. So i Guess he can smile.

    Maybe if Ghiz gave Biggar a Car and credit card and raise she would smile too.

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