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Windows 7 optimized for SSD – solid state drives

Intel SSD

Intel SSD

Intel SSD

By Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, May 7, 2009 with ComputerWorld story

SSDs or solid state drives seem like the answer to hard drive speed and reliability problems but they have been plagued by problems. Microsoft has added features in Windows 7 that help to fix those issues.

SSD’s are essentially silicon memory that mimics the hard drive. No platters, heads, motors – there are no moving parts whatsoever. The advantage is speed. SSD’s are amazingly fast. I’ve seen read write tests four times faster than conventional drives. This makes boot up almost instantaneous. For recording music or video, SSD’s can remove a major bottleneck with disk I/O.

Caveat Windows 7 RC does not uninstall

The drives are long on promise and short on reliability and high in cost. The problems have been mainly around small file storage that is a combination of operating system and bad os software on the SSD’s, Windows 7 is supposed to fix the operating system issues. New drive versions are said to be more reliable.

When the drives start working more reliably, customer acceptance and manufacturing rates will rise. Prices will drop. At this point a 60 GB OCZ costs $275 and an /Intel 80 GB is $482 at Intel drives are accepted as the best ones but also the most expensive.

ComputerWorld – Microsoft: Windows 7 is faster on SSDs, with two caveats

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