A blog to watch and experience
This is an excellent blog by the 23 year old wife of a marine cpl. who lost his leg in action. It’s neither a tear jerker, nor “it’s a wonderful world”. Has the stamp of authenticity.
After all the disappointment I don’t like to get ahead of myself. We’ve been told Cleves disability ratings would be coming soon before without any results and over the past year I have lost enough hair over it I could become a millionaire making wigs.
I just talked to Mr. Thang and he said he talked to his case manager. She told him he should have ratings in about two weeks.
Of course my emotions are going crazy. If this is true this means he will be getting out of the military as soon as a month and a half.
He hasn’t even made a resume and who knows what his rating is going to be. Even if he were to get 100% someone is going to have to work. And of course I will. I have been filling out applications left and right. However, I have my best friend of ten years wedding coming up on June 16 and I have to go back to Maryland to help Cleve fill out his paperwork, get all his stuff together, and get the rest of our belongings from there to here. AH! If it were up to me, I would just start work now, but I can’t unless I find someone amazing that will be flexible. With my experience, most people are not that flexible and I don’t blame them. I have a huge new burden on my shoulders now. I have to take care of us. I’ll figure it out.
This is actually very exciting. Finally moving on. We’ve worked really hard to keep things in somewhat control and it hasn’t been easy. I know what’s coming is not going to be a walk in the park, but I will just be so glad to get a chance to try to lead a normal life. I just hope we end up ok.
Change is necessary in life. But man is it scary sometimes!
You are so beyond your years! I don’t know that I could have handled the amount of stress you are under at 23 yrs. old. I am so proud of you and know that it will all work out. You and Cleve have paid your dues…now it’s time to reap the rewards. Love you kiddo!
Thats great that he will be getting his rating….now you may be able to move on and put some of this behind you and work on just being a young married couple with so much life to live…..Bill was told the same thing and it took him two appeals to get from 90% to 100%….when some of the guys in his unit….coming back were getting 100% permanent and total for PTSD alone…..I am pretty sure one of those guys has PTSD just from being married to his psycho wife…..one guy was even diagnosed with a TBI when he was only thrown back from an RPG hitting his friend in the leg even though it didnt deploy. The RPG was still in tact. This guy is the biggest whiner and Bill cant even get what he deserves straight up for being simply fucked up. He was told he would get out too but they keep him on TDRL and for what….its not like his leg is gonna grow back and he will miraculously be mentally stable to go back in. He is still on TDRL 5 years later…..still fighting for a permanent VA rating 5 years later and he cant even get properly diagnosed for a TBI when his humvee was thrown in the air and slammed down on its top…..sorry frusteration is setting in…..I need a beer!!
haha… It’s ok to rant. I know the feeling. I feel so negative sometimes, but some of this stuff is just not made easy for us! Complaining is necessary to ease stress sometimes.
Drink a beer for me!
Evinrude Outboards
Hey there, I found your site a few weeks ago and have got through all the info quietly. I decided I would make my firstpost. Not really sure what to comment but here goes. Nice website. Will call back soon to hear what else youd like to say.