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The summer concerts begin on PEI

Busking outside the library on Queen Street 2007, what a life

Busking outside the library on Queen Street 2007, what a life

Busking outside the library on Queen Street 2007, what a life

Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, May 24 2009

The summer concert season began yesterday, for me at least, with a three hour belt-er-out at the Farmer’s Market. I love it. There is no better way to describe it than an unabashed love affair with singing and playing guitar in public under the summer sun.

I have three scheduled dates at the Farmer’s Market this year. I played there in 2004 but they treated me like a piece of shit so I didn’t go back. The mood seemed improved this year and I asked for and got the three dates. That will add to a busy summer on Victoria Row with weekly performances plus busking when ever and where ever it feels good. Oops and Baba’s on Wednesday night.

I love it but three hours is hard on me. Post polio is a mean trick – you have all the desire but the body doesn’t like it. The mind is willing but the body is weak. I slept for three hours afterward.

There was a young boy who danced and sang along with me for the first set. He was amazing. He knew lots of songs so he sang along. When I sang a few tunes of my own, he learned the chorus after one pass and joined right in along with gestures that mimicked the words. This year I’m going to bring spoons, tambourine and a washboard for those precious moments when the audience joins in.

One of the best parts about busking is you don’t need to ask officious arseholes like the directors of Music PEI for a grant or permission.

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