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Lobster fisherman set to take a hosing

Ed Frenette PEI FA (CBC photo)

Ed Frenette PEI FA (CBC photo)

Ed Frenette PEI FA (CBC photo)

Looks like the government bail-out is an offer they can’t accept

Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, May 26 2009 with story from CBC

PEI lobster fisherman are learning quickly the Federal and Provincial governments are long on talk and short on help. The latest self-funded buy-back scheme means fisherman may get out of the industry but future fisherman will pay the tab.

Provincial Treasurer Wes Sheridan floated the self-financing proposal without consulting the fisherman. Years of making car loans in Kensington at the Credit Union appear to have left Sheridan a little shy on popular ideas and a brick short on salesmanship.

Long used to free money from Ottawa in past buy-back schemes, this idea is not sitting well with the fisherman who remain in the industry. There is no guarantee their catches will increase to pay for the levy Ottawa will impose of future lobster sales.

Based on loans and contributions Ottawa is making to the auto manufacturers, the Federal government is basically telling fisherman “fix your own house.”

This may be the new mantra from Ottawa where support for Maritime fisherman means no new seats in the House of Commons but failure to rescue the Ontario auto industry will cost Harper his tenuous hold on power.

Fisheries group frustrated by news out of lobster talks

Last Updated: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 CBC News

The P.E.I. Fishermen’s Association is concerned about a proposed plan that would see it pay to buy out lobster fishermen, and wants a seat at government negotiations over the industry.

‘The good news for the fisheries association is that we’re out there working on their behalf.’— Provincial Treasurer Wes Sheridan

The fishing industry says reducing the number of people taking lobster out of the Northumberland Strait would be a good thing for the fishery. P.E.I. Treasurer Wes Sheridan met with federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty earlier this week, and proposed a plan where the federal government would lend the fisherman’s association millions of dollars to buy some its members out of the industry.

Then fishermen who continue fishing lobster would pay back that loan over time.

PEIFA executive director Ed Frenette told CBC News on Tuesday that none of this was run by his group. Frenette said the industry would be willing to put in for part of a buyout plan.

“That’s part of a set of negotiations that we hope we’ll enter into. However, when we see, hear these sorts of proposals bandied about without any input from us, it really is frustrating,” Frenette said.

Sheridan said a number of ideas were discussed with federal officials on Monday, but no details have been worked out.

“The good news for the fisheries association is that we’re out there working on their behalf,” he said.

“We’ll not do anything without consultation. I think they’re in full knowledge of that. They should be very pleased we went to the federal fiscal table with this.”

Frenette said the group is trying to find out exactly what options provincial and federal government officials are talking about.

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  1. one party province

    steven, this was a major mistake that backfired when lawewerce maccaully tried to make gail shea look bad in ottawa.he tabl;ed the bill and ghiz and treasurer wes went to work on pei trying to make hay.problem is fishers are mad as hell.I was at Grahams pond today and every one was hot under the collar.At 275 a pound and taking buy back money on top would be the end.word is maccaully and ghiz are cutting a deal with nfld boys to take over the industry.Fishers have been on group that maccaully can’t control or buy off so he would like to bring them to their knees.If we don’t get more lobster processers he will!!!

  2. Comment by post author

    NJN Editor

    That’s why Ghiz was doing a photo op with school children. He’s having trouble coping with the adult world.

  3. one party province

    frenette knew about this deal wes was cooking up but denied it.Francis morrissey said frenette was in the meeting with the association .does anyone know if it was the one at pooles corner that lawerence held.seems that maccaully and ghiz are tring to get a deal through that gives part of fishers cath to the association. this will be the final play in this one as it will finish most southside guys and stage the way for stacked fleets. oci can offer 150 a pound if all are catching 500000 lbs and eventually squeeze everyone out

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