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You are not anonymous

By Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, April 1, 2009
with story from Charlottetown Guardian, March 28, 2009 (unpublished on internet)

Your anonymous remarks on the internet may not be anonymous at all. Recently we’ve seen cases where anonymous bloggers leave a trail back to social media like Facebook and Twitter that causes them grief. British computer scientists say its possible to trace writing styles from anonymous posts back to their known source. Personally I like to put my name on what I say or say nothing. Many people publish their comments openly on the internet which shows more courage and maturity than hit-and-run anonymous slams.

Anonymity is one of the cherished values of the internet and the loose standard called Web 2.0. People are often afraid to leave their true feelings when they can be identified. They might be sued, lose their jobs. On PEI and in many places, political powers take a dim view of criticism. We have a recent case where comments on this site got the Culture Vulture Minister Carolyn Bertram riled up and looking for heads to chop off.

In Saturday’s Charlottetown Guardian, editor Gary MacDougall complains about the scurrilous anonymous comments on the internet.

“It’s amazing how ugly and opinionated people can be when there are no consequences for anonymous opinions expressed. There are many examples of that here in P.E.I. where creators of gutless, anonymous websites feel free to indulge in rumour mongering and outright lies just because they can.”

That’s interesting since PEI Talks, one of the sites that supports lies, innuendo, and “gutless, anonymous” comments is supported by Gary MacDougall.

“Gary was a huge inspiration for me with this site. The fact the guy let me sit in his office and talk to him about some ideas when it was just starting out was amazing. Gary was a huge motivator and made me believe anythings possible (within reason) even for a small place like PEI, which I have received numerous compliments for thinking this way.” PEI Talks.

It is also supported with money, or so we are told, from the Premier’s Office. What an unholy Trinity that makes. So MacDougall is openly complaining about anonymous bloggers while supporting one of the worst. It’s pretty obvious when you go on the site that the administrators will pick on and belittle enemies of the government and The Charlottetown Guardian.

Anonymous comments should stay that way but the winds of change are coming. Courts and others want to deny freedom of expression.

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