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Canada, Government of PEI, NJN, PEI, Prince Edward Island

Thinking out loud about Scales Pond…used to generate electricity

Scales Pond Dam (Photo Rob Patterson)

Isn’t that something we need? Maybe we could like build a power dam?


Scales Pond Dam (Photo Rob Patterson)

The Scales Dam is gone and the government put out a press release saying they wanted to talk to the community.

Anybody got the phone number of the people who build small river power dams?
Community, Government to Plan Future of Scales Pond

CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI — Government officials will meet with community groups in order to decide what to do about the failed impoundment at Scales Pond, Prince Edward Island’s Environment, Energy and Forestry Minister said Monday.

“We want to talk to community groups and watershed groups in the area in order to see what should be done. Should the dam be replaced and, if it is replaced, what kind of a structure would be put in? These are the kind of questions we want the community to help us answer,” said Richard Brown, Minister of Environment, Energy and Forestry.

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