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Taliban positioned to take over nuclear weapons


By Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, April 24, 2009 with CBS clips

The Taliban are within 60 miles of Islamabad the capital of Pakistan. They are imposing Sharia law, a human rights versus religion issue. The bigger story is the inability of the Pakistan government to stop the Taliban. Sixty miles is one campaign from control of Pakistan’s military and a nuclear arsenal. No other scenario could spell as much danger for the United States and the Western World. The Taliban and their allies al-Qaida are dedicated to the destruction of Western culture.

Iran and North Korea possessing nuclear weapons are a threat. The Taliban and al-Qaida are extremely dangerous and determined enemies who are terrorists, not governments of sovereign states. The world is poised on the brink of a disaster since terrorists stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

The Pakistan government has been unable to stop the Taliban. Yesterday, the Taliban defeated a contingent of the Pakistan military. The Taliban burned a NATO truck depot as a visible sign control.


Despite pouring billions into Pakistan, the United States has not been able to stabilize the government. Previous objections to the military presidency of Musharif will prove incorrect when the current more democratic leadership fails to act decisively.

Unfortunately when facing a determined and fanatical enemy like the Taliban, fair play is not a viable policy. Watch the US contort itself into a pretzel over interrogation of al-Qaida suspects. In the meantime, the Taliban are taking over nuclear weapons.

Liberal democracies have resorted to terrorism in the past, such as the firebombing of Dresden. Survival in this world is paramount. The winner always gets to re-write the rules.

Afghanistan strategy failed

The half measures by NATO in Afghanistan to contain the Taliban have failed to rout them out if that country. Canada cannot be blamed for the failure in Afghanistan. George Bush distracted the US with his oil war in Iraq. Most of Europe has only put token efforts into solving the Afghan problem. That assumes there is a solution beyond tribalism. However, now we are seeing the rise of a strengthened Taliban across the border in Pakistan.

Pakistan has nuclear weapons to pursue its long-standing sectarian war with India. It is quite conceivable the Taliban will use them instead against the West whom they perceive as the greater enemy in their religious war.

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