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New Segway PUMA looks cool

But GM isn’t going to help them

By Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, April 7, 2009

The new Segway PUMA two-seater vehicle looks cool but partnering with GM is dumb. GM will never be cool. They’re going bankrupt soon. Last night the Canadian government promised to cover GM’s warranties for people who buy new GM’s from today forward. What about the people who bought before? They’re probably out of luck. Wow that’s going to make millions of happy GM customers. They will have to give GM cars away soon. Everyone is talking bankruptcy for GM so it must be a done deal. See Are GM dealers in trouble too?

In the meantime, think Segway. Genius inventor Dean Kamen is at it again. He also invented the iBot wheelchair. iBot gives young woman newfound freedom We’ll have an update on that story soon. Words are sometimes inadequate – check out the video.


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