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Cool versus freedom, Apple versus Microsoft

Back in 2009 we didn’t see the iPad and Tablet revolution

Apple Will Lose Tablet Market in 2012This is Easter Sunday and I’m supposed to take the day off but I’ll just write little teenie weenie articles OK. Let me weigh in on the Mac versus Microsoft.

I’m probably a Microsoftie; however, I’ve had both almost continuously since the 1980’s. My kids love Mac’s – they’re cool. I’ll agree, Mac wins a lot of style contests. But for lowest cost, most computing power and freedom – I’ll take Windows. 

Common sense will tell you the market leader is cheaper since they make 20 times more of them. There are more competitors in the PC world than in the Mac world. More adds, cheaper memory,hard drives, monitors, everything is more plentiful, with more choices and lower costs.
I think the thing that I hate about Mac’s is control. Apple is a control freak company that decides what’s good for you but not me. I’m a freedom loving rebel.

I sold, serviced and have been in love with computers for over 25 years. I have several on all the time. I want a new laptop for my kitchen table so I can read the brain dead Charlottetown Guardian with my Shreddies. In that time, I learned they are just boxes.

Manufacturers and Microsoft want us to think of them as magical but they are not. This year’s top computer will be mid-powered next year and bottom of the barrel in two years. If you buy the latest and the greatest, Intel wins the game of taking the most money from your bank and putting it in theirs. Computers are just boxes and they are worth less than half what you pay the minute you turn them on. Try paying half price and get ahead of them.

Cost isn’t everything. Cool is cool. But Mac’s aren’t really cool. My cheap HP notebook has a better case with 3rd holograms and a screen that those tiny Mac notebooks can’t touch. It’s lighter, faster and was half the price of the Mac at Staples.

The new dual Quad Xeon Nehalen MacPro is enticing but it’s over $8,000 configured to work and the specs Apple publishes only show small incremental improvement in performance for video and graphics work. Same old story: big price small, performance improvement.

Mac service sucks. The hours are too short and they don’t look after you. HP takes calls 24×7 and ship you a complete new computer that arrives the next day. That’s service. Everything I’ve tried to fix a 2 year old Mac the parts cost more than a new one.

Apple store, the only place to get their software, sucks big time. For months they locked my account with the illogical US country code for a Canadian address. I’ve had that account for years. Once they screwed up, the account was useless since they wanted an non-existent zip code when I have a postal code. I was on the phone so many times with nice but helpless people I quit. All I wanted was the upgrade for Quick Time pro. In the XP Vista world, if one vendor is brain dead, I move on within seconds.

I don’t know why you Mac-heads put up with that. Do you belong to strange cults or social groups that control your life and you feel good about it?

A few years ago I bought the best Mac PowerBook money could buy with all the accessories for about $3,900. It drove me crazy. They kept hiding OS features. The disk took too much trouble to browse and the software set was too limited. I sold it to my lucky cousin a year later for half price. He and his wife are Mac-heads. They love it.

She’s a designer and uses Adobe Premiere and Illustrator. I use the same programs on my PC. Only mine work faster and better. The last box I got was a Dell XPS 630i gaming machine for HD video editing. The system from Apple to do it was about $7,000. You had to order it: I hate that. This one was a Friday night whim purchase at Future Shop for $2,000. I was looking at Tom’s Hardware yesterday and the quad processor is more powerful than the new i7 920. Sure the 960 Extreme can work faster but it costs like $5,000 for only some speed improvement.

For my Windows box, I can buy Terabyte drives for under $150 and memory is cheap. The thing looks like a black space ship and acts as night light for my office and the hallway. That’s pretty cool and speed is always cool.

This is about the time I listen to the siren call of Mac. I need a new cell phone. iPhone? Naw, I already own an iTouch that sits on the shelf. I don’t like it. Maybe a Blackberry storm: I tried one and didn’t need anyone to tell me how to do email or make calls. If I’m smart I’ll stay where I belong.


  1. A helpful stranger

    Please don’t write about things you obviously know nothing about.

  2. wat

    Except Windows is a terribly designed pile of shit.

  3. anon

    I was going to make my observation, after owning Macs from 93-98, that Apple evangelists seem like cult members who aren’t tolerant of anyone who chooses a different platform, but you guys made my point for me.

  4. Just a thought

    although i dont think you put too much thought into this article i do agree, just stick to where you belong.
    i belong with windows also. i know how to do everything in windows and around pc hardware in general.

    as for a helpful stranger, you not being very helpful.

    and no, windows it not a pile of shit, infact it has support for much more hardware then OSX which is why things are cheaper, cause it encourages compettition.
    apple does not which is where this article was trying to go i think.

  5. tux

    I personally prefer pc’s to macs – although I’m not knowledgeable enough about macs to take issue with the software design complaints, the price difference ensures I’ll probably never get the chance. BUT I take issue with the title of the article. Cool vs. Free? There are REAL free alternatives out there in the form of gnu/Linux operating systems. Free alternatives that are free as in beer AND free as in freedom, which is more than mac or windows can offer. Talk about cool? Check into compiz to see some of the incredible 3d effects you can pull off with even a basic system.

  6. boring

    Very obviously written by someone who is biased towards PCs. Maybe it’s because the last time you’ve used a Mac is on a powerbook, but OS X Leopard is a far better operating system than both Windows XP and Vista. OS features being hidden? Hardly, they’re all in System Preferences. The Windows control panel hides things much more, in stupid categories that make little to no sense.

    And Premiere and Illustrator working faster on a PC? Give me a break. I have two laptops, a 2.4GHz Macbook Pro, and a 2.5GHz HP running Vista. The Mac has 2 gigs of ram, the HP has 4, the Mac has a 150 gig drive, the HP has 180. And yet, the Mac runs Premiere, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Flash, Dreamweaver, InDesign, ANYTHING faster.

    I also find my self trying to use Quicklook, Expose, and Coverflow when using a PC, then realizing that I’m using a fucking PC that doesn’t have those features.

    It’s great that Mac’s are “cool” and look nice and whatnot, but I don’t even care about that. They’re far more functional, have a better operating system, and I’ve never had any problems with my Mac, which I can’t say about any of the many PCs I’ve owned.

    I’ve even coded on both Windows and Mac, and I can say with confidence that XCode is a far better environment to work in than something like Visual Studio.

    Don’t talk about things you have no clue about, especially if your opinions were outdated years ago.

  7. Anon

    Why are you even writing blogs? You bring nothing to the table other than complete sentence. Please remove your fallacious comparisons and update them to something relevant. You go to Apple’s site and find the most expensive computer there and use it as a comparison point? Did you even look at the price HP charges for their server line? No, you just are another Windows drone.

  8. Anon

    Great article! I wholeheartedly agree. The comments from the apple fan-losers are hilarious, it doesnt take much to get them going does it? Yah sure the Macs are cool looking but they are over priced and really only do a few things better than PC’s (DTP, some graphics editing etc.) but for just about everyone else, who wants to spend less than a grand on a computer, PC’s is where its at!! Mac’s have gotten a free ride by abusing Vista (deservedly so in the first year, pre-SP1) but now that Win7 will be coming out very soon, the advantage goes with it. Don’t let the losers get you down, you have every right to your opinions!

  9. rolling laptop

    What is the trackback link for this post?

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