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Business notebook computers cost $50,000 to replace

The longer a laptop is missing, the higher the cost of replacing data

The longer a laptop is missing, the higher the cost of replacing data

The longer a laptop is missing, the higher the cost of replacing data

Protect your data and your laptop or pay

Phoenix Business Journal, Northern Arizona University, April 24, 2009

Businesses that find a laptop computer missing will have to spend close to $50,000 to replace not just the hardware but the machine’s contents.

A Ponemon Institute study commissioned by Intel Corp. found that lost or stolen computers vary by circumstance, but the average price to replace a unit is $49,246, primarily from data costs.

The study looked at 138 instances of lost or stolen computers and based replacement cost on items including, detecting data breaches, lost productivity, lost intellectual property, and legal and consulting fees.

“This is the first study to benchmark the full cost of a lost or stolen notebook,” said Larry Ponemon, chairman and founder of the Ponemon Institute. “Some of the results are startling to say the least, pointing to the sizable consequences associated with the loss of notebooks and, more importantly, the data inside them that companies must consider.”

The cost also can vary by how long it takes to determine if a laptop is missing. If it is discovered on the first day, the cost is $8,950. After a week, the average cost can be as high as $115,849.

The most valuable laptops are those used by a director or manager, clocking in at about $61,000. A senior executive’s notebook has a value of about $28,449, according to the study.

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