Bob Dylan's 46th album will release April 27, 2009
News – you can hear “I feel a change coming on” from the new album at Bob Dylan.com
It plays a jukebox of songs, which is cool.
From Bob Dylan.com
I – A lot of this album feels like a Chess record from the fifties. Did you have that sound in your head going in or did it come up as you played?
Dylan – Well some of the things do have that feel. It’s mostly in the way the instruments were played
I – You like that sound?
Dylan – Oh yeah, very much so. . . the old Chess records, the Sun records. . . I think that’s my favorite sound for a record.
I- What do you like about that sound?
Dylan – I like the mood of those records – the intensity. The sound is uncluttered. There’s power and suspense. The whole vibration feels like it could be coming from inside your mind. It’s alive. It’s right there. Kind of sticks in your head like a toothache
I – Do you think the Chess brothers knew what they were doing?
Dylan – Oh sure, how could they not? I don’t think they thought they were making history though.
I – Did you ever meet Howlin’ Wolf? Muddy Waters?
Dylan – I saw Wolf perform a few times but never met him. Muddy I knew a little bit.
I – I suspect that a lot of men will identify with MY WIFE’S HOME TOWN. Do you ever get in hot water with your in-laws over your songs?
Dylan – No not really. The only person it could matter to gets a kick out of it. That song is meant as a compliment anyhow.
Marilyn Rogers
Personally to Bob Dylan,
Shalom! How are you?
I have been thinking about you and praying for you
from time to time. Then, today when I was singing
and playing the songs I wrote down by Huntington Beach
Pier, two women came by and took a Photo with me holding their invitation to a tribute to you on April
20, 2009 at Venice Beach. I’ll try to make it.
How is your health? I felt something touch my heart
when I was wondering if you’re feeling all right, so
I checked out the internet and it implies that there
is something seriously wrong. “A FRIEND LOVES AT ALL
the Holy Scriptures. I am your friend & sister in the
LORD, although you don’t know me. I held your photo
up to the little wooden cross for the 2nd photo the
girls took of me today because I pray for the BLOOD of
JESUS to heal you and to cleanse you from all sin so
you could stand holy and acceptable before a Holy GOD.
“We’ve all sinned and come short of the glory of GOD”
If you can’t feel that peace and joy you once felt, it
isn’t because the LORD left you. It’s because HE’s
waiting for you to “Seek HIM with all of your heart” like you did a long time ago when you wrote and sang
some of the most beautiful songs for HIM (ahead of your time) “When HE Returns” “Saved!” “Slow Train A’Comin, “I Believe In You”…Yes, the unbelievers and
carnal people raised hell, but everyone who is sold out to the ONE who died for us faces that. “In this
World you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer,
because I have overcome, so will you” Jesus said, and
HE said, “They have hated ME without a cause and so shall they hate you”. We’ve got to be strong and stay
faithful to our LORD. There is no one who loves you
as much as HE does, please return to your first LOVE,
don’t let any woman or other person take that place
in your heart, and your first LOVE will do miracles
to bring you into the peace and happiness you once
knew with HIM.
Want to come to Benny Hinn’s Miracle Crusade in
Long Beach, CA? It’s at the Terrace Theater on May 3,
2009, it starts at 3:00PM. Most of us get there by
1:oo PN to have good seating, However, if you want
to come you could call this number 800-433-1900 and
ask for V.I.P. seating. You may get a miracle.
Many people come to these services that their doctors
told them they were dying of incurable diseases and
the leave totally healed! It’s true. You may see some
of these miracles at Benny Hinn’s Website which is
bemmyhinn.org and click on his his miracle crusades
He traveled around the world this year and had meetings in 39 different nations last year. Miracles
are happening all over the world. Click on his
Crusades or order some of the videos. You will agree
that he would go broke if he paid all those people
who said they had a miracle to lie!
Because we care about you, may I encourage you to
build your faith for receiving a miracle by seeing
miracles happening, by meditating on the scriptures
that promise healing and come to the Miracle Crusade
in Long Beach, CA on May 3, 2009. They will make
special arrangements for you and give you the security
you need, nobody needs to know you are there…just
enjoy and concentrating on receiving your miracle.
O.K., precous one. I don’t care what they say about
you, people talk about me, too…all I know is that
JESUS really loves us, and “Love covers a multitude
of sins” You are welcome to bring your wife, children, friends, who ever you want and know that
Benny Hinn loves Israel so much that he went there
during the last war and sent us a phot of him holding
a rocket that Hezbulla (or however you spell that)
launced against the Israelites. He said, it would
be like the America being bombarded from Mexico. We
would defend ourselves! He told the World that Israel
has a right to defend themselves, and they did and
won that war. Praise the LORD! Messiah is coming and
HIS name is JESUS. Zechariah prophesied that they would see HIS pierce hands and weep for HIM as one
weeps for their only son. And then, as you know,
after the Rapture, JESUS comes with fire out of HIS
Mouth and destroys Israel’s enemies!
God bless you, and your family,
Love in The LORD, Marilyn
What in Laws??? Is my Bob Dylan married…..again??
Love u Bob