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Bob Dylan, Entertainment, Music, NJN, UK

Bob Dylan performance, looking for a free ride to London England

Roundhouse, Camden, London, UK

Bob Dylan to Play for Visitors at Special London Club Date

Roundhouse, Camden, London, UK

Roundhouse, Camden, London, UK

By Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, March 23, 2009

Bob Dylan is putting on a special show in London England on April 26, 2009 at the Roundhouse, London, UK. Tickets go on sale at 9 am on March 25th, 2009 (Time zone information omitted to confuse us). The performance is part of the launch of Dylan’s new release Together Through Life/ Dylan is expected to perform a set based on the new material. The Roundhouse was a former railway roundhouse converted into a chic and très cool 1,800 seat performance theatre. London’s indie and emerging artist venue is an interesting choice for Dylan the ever-morphing creative artist. The Roundhouse has previously played host to the likes of Jimi Hendrix and the Doors (their only UK gig), Kasabian, Jarvis Cocker, Paul McCartney, The Chemical Brothers, The Beastie Boys, The Who, Morrissey and James Brown.

Rich patrons, news outlets requiring experienced Dylan coverage and anyone who needs a friend to accompany them, can count on my polite but enthusiastic attendance of the event, should they be willing to spring for the air fare, ticket and sundries. You will acquire world wide rights to my exclusive article available only hours after the lights go back up. Apply to

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