PEI's Treasurer Wes Sheridan, the happiest finance minister in the Western World
NB troubles won’t be ours says Treasurer
By Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, March 17th, 2009
Financial woes like those in New Brunswick won’t happen on PEI said PEI’s Treasurer Wes Sheridan at the Charlottetown Farmer’s Market. Just to make sure it’s clear. This was the actual conversation that transpired at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday March 14th, 2009 about 1:15 PM. There were several witnesses.
Sheridan was upbeat and convinced PEI had avoided the worst of economic downturn that was facing our neighboring province. “We don’t have the manufacturing sector like NB and won’t get hammered like they are.” I hadn’t considered a lack of manufacturing an economic bonus but I guess it is when you live on transfer payments like PEI.
“What about our pension losses?” I asked.
“Under control,” Sheridan blithely replied.
“I know our economy is tiny and a few hundred million can make us seem like boom times,” I replied. “What if Ontario’s woes persist and they can’t afford our equalization payments anymore? I mean if the auto industry tanks any further, their unemployment rate will be worse than ours.”
“Not going to happen Stephen. We have the constitution that protects our right to transfer payments and equalization. They’ll never deny us that,” Sheridan replied with confidence.
“With all due respect, they don’t like us much in Ontario. I’ve been hearing the rumblings since the Mike Harris Common Sense Revolution that we are welfare bums down here,” I tried to interject.
“Don’t worry,” he replied almost 6 inches off the ground by now. “We are not in trouble. We’re going to have a great year.” And off he went smiling, charming and happy.
After he left, my friend asked me “Who was that? He seemed like a happy upbeat person.”
“That was our Treasurer Wes Sheridan,” I replied.
“Oh, one of those politician crooks,” said an older woman and then she went silent.
“Well I liked him,” said my friend.
And that is how it went.
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