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Canada strikes Fascist stance against Galloway

Brit MP George Galloway, too hot for Canada?

Brit MP George Galloway, too hot for Canada?

Brit MP George Galloway, too hot for Canada?

Warning – this article contains left wing, socialist and freedom of speech political views

By Stephen Pate, NJN Network, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, March 24, 2009

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees freedom of expression, belief and the press. Yet those three are squandered everyday to appease some special interest group. Why is British MP George Galloway being refused entry to Canada? He thinks the Palestinians need help? That’s hardly news. He also opposed the Iraq war against the Iraqi people. He looks pretty smart on that one. For the love of Peter, Paul and Mary the man has been a continuously elected MP in the British Parliament since 1987. I’m not saying he’s not a rebel but we need rebels to question the status quo, the vested interests, and the rich and powerful oligarchy. What is Canada doing refusing to let this man in?

This is a democracy and we treasure the diversity of opinion, even the one’s we don’t agree with. Personally, I don’t know enough about Mr. Galloway’s causes but it would be good to hear his point of view. I think many people agree the US war in Iraq was wrong. It was the war that began the end of the American Empire. Essentially the US will have to pull in its horns or face international bankruptcy real soon. Bush and his friends in the US oligarchy were in it for the oil, the money. That has been well documented in so many reputable books. Try Economic Hit Man if you are not sure what’s behind the American Empire.

So here is Canada denying entrance to an MP from our mother country. Fits in the mold of our right wing Tory government. Harper may have been out of Ottawa when the decision was made to bar Galloway but Immigration and Foreign Affairs would be tuned to the boss.

It’s not the end of the world. If people are interested they can find out what Galloway says on Google. Perhaps we’ll censor that soon like Australia is doing. In the name of kiddy porn, they are working up a internet ban list that includes a dentists web site. We have far too many civil servants. Perhaps some of them will get laid off during the recession depression.

The real question is – is Michael Ignatieff any better or is he a neo-conservative hiding inside the Liberal Party? Liberals are pragmatists and will endorse anyone who looks like a winner. What are Iggy’s positions on social welfare, on economic policy vis a vis the oligarchy, on the disabled and human rights? We don’t know. He just smiles at us enigmatically.

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