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Ad Scam has nothing on Tory $3 billion slush fund

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Opposition ? Michael Ignatieff, who is minding the bank while they divide $3 billion in patronage

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Opposition ? Michael Ignatieff, who is minding the bank while they divide $3 billion in patronage

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Opposition ? Michael Ignatieff, who is minding the bank while they divide $3 billion in patronage

with Canoe / CP story

The Liberals ladled $100 million on their Quebec Ad-Scam friends and the Tories are getting even with the “3-billion stimulus fund”. No rules, no accountability to Parliament, just good old pork barrel, political give-away for Prime Minister Stephen Harper. I wonder how much will be spent on the poor, the disabled, seniors, those in need? Probably not much with all those Tory MP’s lining up to shovel the money into “shovel-ready” patronage friends.

The whole recession thing is just an excuse to panic the masses into handing more money over to the oligarchy of Canada’s most powerful corporations and people. Everyone admits that no amount of spending in Canada is going to fix the problem, which is the US recession.

It’s educational to watch our Prime-Minister-In-Waiting Liberal Michael Ignatieff. He either has no backbone to stand up to Stephen Harper or is waiting for his turn at the patronage trough. Why do we accept this as status quo? Don’t fight it: get your Rolodex working and call up some MP’s looking for your share.

$3-billion stimulus fund passes Senate By THE CANADIAN PRESS

OTTAWA – The Senate has given the green light to a $3-billion fund aimed at quickly kickstarting Canada’s sluggish economy.

The Liberal dominated upper house gave approval late Thursday to the fund.

The move clears the way for Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government to start doling out money as early as Wednesday.

But exactly how soon the money will start flowing depends on how quickly departments make submissions to Treasury Board, which must approve any spending from the fund.

A spokesman for Treasury Board president Vic Toews says the process has been streamlined in a bid to speed up approvals without sacrificing due diligence.

The fund is essentially an advance on the $40-billion economic recovery package unveiled in the Jan. 27 budget.

It will allow the government to start spending on job-creating infrastructure projects as of April 1, rather than waiting until June when much of the rest of the economic stimulus package is to begin flowing.

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