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We had it coming

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, playing to the crowd with anti-Americanism, Globe and Mail cartoon by Brian Gable


Harper anti-american

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, playing to the crowd with anti-Americanism, Globe and Mail cartoon by Brian Gable

The US Congress passed a stimulus bill with a “Buy American” clause. Canadian politicians and pundits along with the citizenry are crying fowl.

We had it coming. We should have known it. We brought it on ourselves.

Canadians like to loudly complain and criticize US policy, lifestyle, morals, health care and human rights abuses with the sanctimonious pride of the little guy.

As I have said for years, it’s bad for business. Freedom of speech is great. I love it but you have to watch your manners with your best customer.

The Canadian economy – your standard of living and mine – depends on our biggest customer, the United States of America. About 80% of our lifestyle to put a number on it.

Try this out: at work today, start criticizing your boss, then move up to his boss, then go to the Board and your CEO. That’s a silly suggestion unless you’re leaving and even then a bad career move. Here’s a better way to get fired. Call up your big customers’ CEOs and tell them what they are doing wrong. If you get past the first one without being fired, let me know.

Why did we think we could publicly castigate our largest customer and not expect some heat. The good news is the “Buy USA” policy only applies to $900 billion of a $14 trillion economy, about 6%. If we learn to mind our own business and treat our biggest customer with respect, the protectionism won’t spread. Like the blues man said “Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself.” I think Jesus said that first, something about the straw out of our neighbors eye. Put your customer first, I said that.

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