Rally for Rural PEI at Legislature 12 Noon on Monday – Family Day
The PEI Rural Alliance rally for rural PEI will be held Monday. The organizers want PEI to turn out in support of rural PEI which is PEI.
I’m a City Mouse who lived long enough in the country to pass for a Country Mouse. In Charlottetown we hear the story about the car dealerships etc. doing well when the farmers and fisherman do well. That is true but understates the importance of rural PEI. Without the farms, fisherman and people who live outside greater Charlottetown and Summerside, there is no industry on PEI that would support 135,000 people. Do the tourists come to look at Water Street in Summerside or Grafton St. in Charlottetown? No, they come for the most picturesque countryside west of Ireland. PEI is staring in the face of declining transfers from Ottawa. Without the artificial middle class economy created by those Federal dollars, our homes would be worth half of their current value and most of us would have to leave for other parts. We need the people who are creating most of the real economic value on PEI.
Tom B.
Its indeed the people who are making the real economy, versus that people only speculating with our money and creating economic disaster!