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Mac don’t got no stinkin’ virus except trojans in iWorks

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File under: lies my mother never told me


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From MacWorld  – Intego, makers of VirusBarrier and other security software for the Macintosh, issued a security alert for Mac users on Thursday, advising them about the existence of a new Trojan Horse, which they’ve named OSX.Trojan.iServices.A.

This new Trojan Horse can be found in pirated copies of Apple’s iWork ‘09 application suite, which has been downloaded over 20,000 times, according to Intego’s numbers.

The malicious software connects to remote servers over the Internet, so a malicious remote user will know that the program has been installed. The malicious user will be able to connect to the infected Mac and perform various actions; the Trojan horse may also download additional components to an infected Mac.

1 Comment

  1. security guards in chennai

    the security is really well position. virus catch the system alert message. apple i 2009 release super 20000 file downloaded and security alert good proccser


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