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LA sued over provisions for disabled in disasters

Are Charlottetown and Summerside safe?

By Stephen Pate, NJN Network, January 15, 2009

AP reports that the City of Los Angeles is being sued by Disability Rights activists claiming LA is not providing disaster planning and response for persons with disabilities.

“The class-action lawsuit was filed Tuesday in by nonprofits Disability Rights Advocates and the Disability Rights Legal Center. It says hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the South underscored the fact that special needs residents are among the most vulnerable groups when emergencies strike.”

In July 2007 a man was left in the Atlantic Technology Centre basement during a fire alarm. Fire officials bluntly and incorrectly stated,

“Charlottetown fire inspector Randy MacDonald said although staff were trying to help MacPhee, there’s no law that requires it. He added the only people allowed to override elevators in a fire are firefighters.MacDonald said it is up to individuals — disabled or not — to have an escape plan.”

In Los Angeles, “the groups want the city to create a voluntary registry that would alert rescue workers to disabled people living alone, and provide instructions on where they can be taken in the event of a disaster. City officials have not seen the suit and would not comment. The suit also names Los Angeles County because it also provides emergency services in the city.”

Have the Cities of Charlottetown or Summerside come up with a better plan since 2007?

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