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Hail Mary to Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg (image Laughing Squid)

It works in football and why not in Web 2.0.

Mark Zuckerberg (image Laughing Squid)Laughing Squid

Over the weekend I sent Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg my “sad compliant” about the Fascist disabling of my Facebook account. I miss ya all yes I do, I do.

Today he replied. First my message and then Mark’s reply. You never know: the ball can get caught in the end zone and touchdown, two points. Game over, cheerleaders all weekend.

I still don’t get it. The Facebook page for Kyle Bambrick is supposed to have 5,000 new members in one weekend. It’s not logical that my precious and dear 1,200 friends are a bother .

My  Message

I am a former computer exec – went public 1997 retired 1999 at age 50. I have post polio syndrome and decided to become a disability and social advocate.

I had a great Facebook account with 1,200 friends. I sent birthday greetings each day to dozens of people, shared videos, photos all the things Facebook is about. I was polite.

I am also a social activist and apparently had my account disabled for reasonable free speech.

One would hardly think a young Web 2.0 company like Facebook would practice discrimination illegal under the ADA and Constitution but that appears to be the case.

I am a prolific blogger, maintaining 12 blogs daily plus multiple video sites and pursue disability activism relentlessly.

While a reasonable person, I take umbrage at my account being disabled.

I intend to start another blog just to discuss the Fascist behaviour at Facebook unless my account and all groups are operational post haste.

If you want to make me famous, just leave my account disabled. Or you can explain what is going on. I will then have a topic to write about with a world wide audience.

You may own the company but we believe in free speech and disability rights in our world.

Cheers, and let the games begin. Stephen Pate

Mark’s reply


This sounds like an issue that Facebook’s support team could help with. I’ve forwarded this message along to them, and someone from that team will reach out to you as soon as possible.




  1. Antonietta

    I’m looking for all the info I can get because my account has been disabled since June 2nd and I can’t seem to get it back. Unfortunately I’m not Lindsey Lohan but I did register with MY real name and I don’t see what the problem is. It’s all very frustrating. Did you finally get yours back?

  2. Comment by post author

    Stephen Pate


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