Antony and the Johnsons
Kay Olson publishes one of the most popular disability blogs in North America. Always controversial, she describes herself as “I’m a thirtysomething disabled feminist. Overeducated, underemployed.”
My newest music obsession is Antony and the Johnsons. Antony Hegarty is, as described by SignOnSan Diego, a “brawny-looking, transsexual Irish-American maverick with a wonderfully androgynous voice and a tremulous chamber-pop style all his own.”
Warning: the video contain partial nudity which some might consider offensive although we don’t. Apparently YouTube has removed the video, which would explain why it’s locking up my computer. Try PitchforkTV which works better anyway.
One song on the newest album, The Crying Light, is called “Epilepsy is Dancing.” To fully appreciate it, read the poetry of the lyrics first:
Epilepsy is dancing
She’s the Christ now departing
And I’m finding my rhythm
As I twist in the snow
All the metal burned in me
Down the brain of my river
That fire was searching
For a waterway home
I cry glitter is love!
My eyes pinned inside
With green jewels
Hanging like Christmas stars
From a golden vein
As I came to a screaming
Hold me while I’m dreaming
For my fingers are curling
And I cannot breathe
Then I cried in the kitchen
How I’d seen your ghost witching
As a soldering blue line
Between my eyes
I cry glitter is love!
My eyes
Pinned inside
Sea green jewels
Hanging like Christmas stars
From a golden vein
Cut me in quadrants
Leave me in the corner
Oh now its passing
Oh now I’m dancing
Then listen to the song. Many songs by Antony and the Johnsons have an operatic, cabaret feel, with Antony’s soaring voice. This song is delicate, with piano, guitar and strings.
After just hearing it, if you’re able, then watch the video from YouYube.
Video description: From the record label: “Antony asked his friends the Wachowski Brothers to work with him on a video for his new single ‘Epilepsy Is Dancing’. They in turn invited painters Tino Rodriguez and Virgo Paradiso to create costumes and a mystical environment and choreographer Sean Dorsey and his dancers to bring the dream sequence to life. Antony’s artistic partner Johanna Constantine stars as herself in the role of ‘Deer Monster’. The video was lit and shot by the up-and-coming directors of photography, Chris Blasingame and Banker White, and produced by Jim Jerome. The production team collectively named themselves AFAS. Please enjoy the fruits of their San Francisco art party.”
The video begins and ends in an alley where a woman walks alone and sees a deer many yards ahead of her just as she has a seizure and falls to the ground. A colorful Midsummer’s Night Dream-esque world of half-nude body-painted dancers awaken the woman, now painted silver and wearing a headdress of leaves and deer antlers, in a sensuous little orgy of dancing. Some wear carnivale type masks, as does Antony, whose head appears superimposed and flowers flow from his mouth as he sings. The dancers cradle her, carry and writhe with her, then set her down in a leaf-covered woodland with a male dancer very reminiscent of Shakespeare’s Puck leaving her last, their outstretched fingers slipping from each other’s grasp as the seizure causes spasms and the woman’s hands curl. She wakes back in the urban alley with the real deer nuzzling her hand. Then she’s all alone and rises and leaves, smiling.
Here’s an alternate, touching live performance of “Epilepsy is Dancing,” along with a brief interview and “Another World,” a second song from the new album, from The Culture Show of the UK.
For another song about an epileptic seizure check out Joy Division’s “She’s Lost Control.”
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