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Anti-semitism rears its ugly head

Anti-Semitism is on the rise in the western world: it has never fallen out of popularity in Muslim countries.Thousands are marching in the streets in support of the pro-Palestinian cause, Protester Calls for Jews to ‘Go Back to the Oven’ at Anti-Israel Demonstration. These protests are well supported by both Palestinians and western peace activists.Similar coverage of pro-Israeli demonstrations (or anti-Palestinian which are rarer) usually contain the proviso that the organizers are Zionists or Jewish.

Those statements by peace activists tend to make the Palestinian cause more humane and the Israeli cause more jingoist.

The truth is both sides are belligerent and it’s impossible to determine who fired first since there is no first in recent memory. Which Hamas rocket made the Israeli’s feel the need to defend themselves? Which human rights abuse made Hamas feel the need to fire a rocket?

With Hamas and other radical Muslims calling for the destruction of Israel, it’s hard for the Israeli’s not to be aggressively defensive.

While it’s politically and socially acceptable to dislike Nazi anti-Semitism the reality is hatred of Jews goes back centuries. The Third Reich was just one of the more deadly periods for Jews in history.

Anti-Semitism comes up in conversations, within families and in the media. Racial discrimination against Jews, Palestinians and any race or national group is wrong.

It should have no basis in modern society; however, old habits die hard.

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