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Americans with Disabilities Act, Disability Alert, Human Rights, NJN, USA

Americans With a Disability Reach 54.4 Million

The US Census Bureau announced on December 18th that 54 million Americans have a disability.

“About one in five U.S. residents – 19 percent – reported some level of disability in 2005, according to a U.S. Census Bureau report released today. These 54.4 million Americans are roughly equal to the combined total populations of California and Florida.” says the press release.

“Among those with a disability, 35 million, or 12 percent of the population, were classified as having a severe disability, according to Americans With Disabilities: 2005.”

“Nearly half (46 percent) of people age 21 to 64 with a disability were employed, compared with 84 percent of people in this age group without a disability. Among those with disabilities, 31 percent with severe disabilities and 75 percent with non severe disabilities were employed. People with difficulty hearing were more likely to be employed than those with difficulty seeing (59 percent compared with 41 percent).

“A portion of people with disabilities — 11 million age 6 and older — needed personal assistance with everyday activities. These activities include such tasks as getting around inside the home, taking a bath or shower, preparing meals and performing light housework.”

14% of Canadians are reported by Statistics Canada as disabled.

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