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Will the Council renew Kay Reynolds legacy

The passing of disability activist Kay Reynolds Kay Reynolds, champion of rights for disabled on P.E.I., dies at 85 is an opportunity for the disability community to pause and reflect on her life and accomplishments.In the Parable of the Talents, Jesus said to the profitable servant “Well done, good and faithful slave! You have been faithful in a few things. I will put you in charge of many things.”If the Lord was handing out assignments, he looked on Kay and put her in charge of many things. Despite her personal disability, she accomplished almost the impossible during her life. We name the organizations she started or belonged to like the PEI Council of the Disabled and Pat and the Elephant as a proud list of our heritage on PEI.

While Pat and the Elephant has remained true to Kay’s spirit, the PEI Council of the Disabled has slipped into a hibernation.

We have tried for 8 years to prod, cajole and encourage the Council to return to its activist role of the past when Kay and others founded it.

Ann MacPhee, fights for tenants but not disabled
Today the Council is an $800,000 a year service engine, chugging along delivering programs for the Federal and Provincial governments. The disabled activists have gone on to well-paying government jobs, retired or just plain tired.

The Board of Directors is taking the safe middle road which means new disability issues are ignored until they go away or someone else fixes them.

Where is 80’s activist Tony Dolan? Tony looks tired, worn out from life and unable to fulfill his old role of activist. There’s no shame in that.

However, when new people try to join the Board they are rejected by a core group of died-in-the-wool no-nothings. When Trisha Clarkin joined a few years ago to make a difference, she was able to inspire the Council to tackle accessible housing for instance.

She ran afoul of Anne MacPhee the past and now current President. MacPhee, a person of considerable nastiness, orchestrated the ouster of Clarkin in a decidedly dirty and mean fight for the Presidency. Clarkin who is weakened by MD was no match for the muscular MacPhee.

I’ve had my own unpleasant experiences with MacPhee. At the DSP Reform meeting in Parkdale, she heckled me during my oral presentation. I’m no wall flower but I was shocked at her ill-mannered behavior. This was not the first time. I really don’t feel comfortable in a room with her since she is extremely rude and manipulative.

Poor Executive Director Marcia Carroll is in the thick of that mess, trying to advance the cause of Islanders with disabilities. MacPhee has her on a very short leash. I’d daresay that the Council will stayed stalled as long as nasty and regressive people like MacPhee stay on the Board.

I’m sure Kay Reynolds put up with her share of trouble. Her troubles are over: it’s up to us to carry the torch forward.

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