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Education, NJN

Religious and ethics professors have to believe it

If you’re going to teach a subject, is it a prerequsite that you have an affinity for the topic. I once met an 18th century English prof who hated the novels but needed the work. Guess that explained his/her bad case of personal self-loathing.

This week a religious studies professor at UPEI – you can look it up – demanded angrily to be taken off the mail list. We sure did that in a hurry. Perhaps they could call the wrath of God on us.

Not to worry though, this prof doesn’t believe in religious values.

When I asked very politely why a religious professor wouldn’t want to read about human rights and the needs of the weak and dispossed, here’s what I got for a reply:

     “You may inquire and I could reply …”

You will note my request was a polite “inquire” and the response was an enigmatic exercise in semantics. Maybe the prof teaches that topic too.

So I’m left with the quandry and it’s no small one: what does a religious studies professor teach if not Christian, Muslim, or Buddhist love and charity?

Perhaps I’ll take the course in logic in the 21st century next. This life is too confusing. I need more education.

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