Music, IT & Human Rights since 2005

Civil Rights, Human Rights, NJN

We stand up for you

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We stand up for you. If you are a person with a disability we will stand up to anyone to help you get what you need. It’s doesn’t matter what the disability is.

We’ve been doing it for years.

When the Canada Pension for disability needed reform. We were there advocating with others across the country.

When the Disability Tax Credit was being taken away, we fought to keep it there for you.

When the Province took $1 million dollars from the DSP, we stood up and said “Hey Mr. Premier where did that money go?” We’re standing up to Robert Ghiz to make him keep his promises.

We fought to get seniors on the DSP and to reform the abuses of the DSP. Along with the parents of autistic children, we were able to eliminate the hated FIM tool.

We’ve advocated to change the RRAP Disability, to get parking at UPEI, to get respect, for Human Rights. There are always more causes and more issues.

Sometimes others help and sometimes we go it alone. We are not afraid of the truth or anyone.

We stand up for you.

If you want to help, send us an email at Email Me  We person can always use a helping hand.

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