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Acadian computer ghosts redux

In a previous post My computer is haunted by French ghosts I related how my computer has been working mysteriously in two languages.

Derek, a friend and computer expert, said “I deal with a lot of English and French stuff at work, but I have never seen the like of this.”

Edith says “its awesome to go with a bilingual guy.” I thought she was like the world’s best computer fixer upper. Apparently she is thinking this might add some spice to the dating.

Georges Arsenault our expert on all things Acadian said enigmatically at the Farmer’s Market“It’s a sign.”

It’s a sign from who – public works, the bank or God? I’m a little fuzzy on the signs from God thing. Sounds like standing on a mountain top waiting for the end of the world.

Maybe Georges meant a sign I should work on my French. Yeah that’s it.

Today in the middle of a freaky Monday of letters and blogs, it started spell checking emails in French. At least it was Canadian French.


  1. Slaightear

    Bonne chance mon ami!

  2. Anonymous

    what are we doing on our next date ?
    laundry, dishes or grocery shopping,
    How about the ole favorite Clean the Kitchen !

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