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Accessibility, PEI, Tourism

PEI failing at accessible accommodations

Inn At Great George, Charlottetown PEI (photo Audley Travel)

Inn At Great George, Charlottetown PEI (photo Audley Travel)

By Stephen Pate –  CBC reports only 35 of 200 plus establishments admit to being accessible to persons with disabilities.

There are seven rights under the Charter for which one cannot be discriminated against. They include gender, race, age, sexual preference and disability.

No one would accept being refused accommodation because they were female for instance, or black although they might have been years ago. Only recently people who are gay were being discriminated against but that is hopefully in the past.

However, there is widespread discrimination against people with disabilities in PEI’s accommodation industry. According the the CBC report only 35 of 200 plus establishments admit to being accessible to persons with disabilities.

The lame excuse of cost is cited in the report.

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