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Seniors to get DSP coverage?

Seniors should be able to stay in their own homes (image Straford Meals on Wheels)

Question Period on April 25th, 2008 may indicate a softening of the government’s position on coverage of seniors under the DSP.


Seniors should be able to stay in their own homes (image Stratford Meals on Wheels)

















PEI Legislature Hansard April 25, 2008

Disability Support Program


Leader of the Opposition: Thank you, Madam Speaker.
My next question is to the same minister. It’s great that you’re in government. You can make decisions right away. My question is in the area of disability supports. There’s a lady that’s been trying to get some help with needed shoes. She’s 68 years of age. She’s a senior with a disability. Is she covered by Disability Support Program?

Speaker: The hon. Minister of Health, Social Services and Seniors.
Mr. D. Currie: Madam Speaker, coming into government two weeks in I was, as the minister responsible for social services and seniors, faced with a decision in respect to
the decision that came down from the Human Rights Commission to eliminate income testing.

Leader of the Opposition:… are you committing then that you will be providing financial help to the lady that was 68 years old who needs shoes… under the Disability Support Program?

Mr. D. Currie:… I would love for this individual to contact my department and we’ll follow up and we’ll look at her needs.

Our government and I as the minister responsible supported eliminating income testing in this province. Since that time, we’ve infused approximately about $700,000 in the DSP budget increase.Mr. D. Currie: Right now, at the same time, we called together for a review of all disability services and, certainly, seniors’ issues are front and centre on that discussion. The DSP work has consulted with Islanders across the province and that work is being finalized. It is a very important issue. It’s an issue that the former government neglected for 10 years. Our government came in and is responding to the needs of Islanders with disabilities.

Leader of the Opposition: Thank you, Madam Speaker.
My next question’s to the same minister. Is part of your response that you actually took $35,000 out of this year’s Budget for DSP?

Speaker: The hon. Minister of Health, Social Services and Seniors.

Mr. D. Currie: Could the Leader of the Opposition repeat that question please? I didn’t hear it.

Speaker: The hon. Leader of the Opposition.

Leader of the Opposition: Absolutely. To the same minister, you mentioned about taking care of Islanders with disabilities. I’m just curious: Why did your government reduce spending on disability support with Islanders that have disabilities by $35,000?

Speaker: The hon. Minister of Health, Social Services and Seniors.

Mr. D. Currie: Madam Speaker, as I alluded to in the initial question, our government has been very progressive in addressing needs of Islanders with disabilities.

The support of the decision came down from the Human Rights Commission and an infusion to the DSP budget was close to approximately $700,000. We also increased the family health benefits since coming into government by approximately $45,000. We basically have made inroads. We increased the support to community care facilities of $675,000. As I alluded to, we’ve increased the foster parent supports to approximately $300,000 in 10 months.
To answer the question specifically, I’ve got two very large budgets. I will bring that information back on Tuesday specifically to the question.

Our government is working hard. As I alluded to, we have challenges today and we’ll have pressure points tomorrow, but we’re being progressive and we’re building a vision for areas of concern in my Department of Social Services and Seniors.

Leader of the Opposition: Thank you. So to the same minister, are you committing then that you will be providing financial help to the lady that was 68 years old who needs shoes? Will she be covered under the Disability Support Program?

Speaker: The hon. Minister of Health, Social Services and Seniors.

Mr. D. Currie: Madam Speaker, in my responsibility as minister responsible for social services and seniors, every Islander that contacts our department in need, I expect an immediate turnaround response time from my department within 24 hours to address those needs. There are some processes. The Leader of the Opposition certainly knows the procedures in the department of social services. She was a staff member. There are processes, but we address every call seriously. I would love for this individual to contact my department and we’ll follow up and we’ll look at her needs.

Speaker: The hon. Leader of the Opposition.

Leader of the Opposition: Thank you for that. I will be forwarding on three people so you can follow up with all three. And there’s

Mr. D. Currie: Pardon?

Leader of the Opposition: You mentioned that you’d follow up. There’s three people I’m sending to you.

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