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Where’s the help for those over 65?


After reading Mr. Pate’s letter (‘Hopefully the budget will provide relief’, The Guardian, April 18, 2008) and
his letters in the past, I have to agree with him.

After reading the highlights of the throne speech, not once did it use the word ‘seniors’. It gives me the impression that ‘senior’ is a dirty word. Nothing is done for the Islanders who are over 65 with disabilities.

Before the election, each candidate said they would give strips to the diabetics. Have they? No. It wasn’t in the budget last year. There is no way the senior can get any help, but if you are under 65 you can get most anything.

My husband is blind and now he is deaf. Can we get help for either disability? No.

Guess I have said enough, even though I have a lot more to say.

To Stephen Pate, keep up your work for the disabled. It might work sometime.

Betty Jarvis, Souris

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