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Province not helping by cutting cash


Why has the Liberal government reduced spending on the Disability Support Program and Islanders with disabilities by $35,000 in this budget?

After cutbacks the year before, last spring the previous Conservative government increased spending estimates for Islanders with disabilities by $941,000.

Since then, Statistics Canada reported that there are 3,000 more Islanders living with disabilities. Today, 21,000 Islanders have disabilities but no government help.

The government told Islanders with disabilities it would change the program for the better. The Disability Services Review Committee, set up by Minister Currie, received comments and suggestions from more than 70 organizations and individuals.

Suggestions have included coverage for seniors, adding drug care for persons with disabilities, employment equity and more affordable and accessible housing.

How does the government intend on meeting those needs with $35,000 less in the budget? Islanders with disabilities would like to know.

Stephen Pate, P.E.I. Disability Alert

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