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Canada, Government of PEI, NJN, PEI

PEI Legislative Committee recommends Disability Secretariat and adoption of Services Review

Hansard, Published by Order of the Legislature

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Ms. Sherry: Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the Honourable Member from Montague-Kilmuir that the report of the Committee be adopted.

From the onset of your committee’s recent activities, members collectively detailed a work plan that would encompass several pressing issues members unilaterally agreed should be examined.

From an initial set lists of priorities the scope of your committee’s work quickly evolved to entail a broader number of concerns as we had the opportunity to hear from 16 groups and organizations on a wide variety of social issues. Despite the varying mandates of the groups, your committee remarked that all presenters were allied in their pursuit of enriching the lives of all Islanders, in particular the more vulnerable members of society.

After a thorough review of all submissions and careful deliberation, your committee is pleased to put forward several recommendations that, if adopted, will strengthen and enhance the social well being of all Islanders.

The Standing Committee on Social Development recommends.

One, that a dedicated minister be considered for the Department of Social Services and Seniors, called the Minister of Social Services and Seniors;

Two, that the creation of a Disability Secretariat be considered to encourage dialogue between all vested groups and facilitate the creation of strategies and policies that benefit all Islanders;

Three, that the recommendations put forward by the Disability Services Review Committee be evaluated and considered by government with due diligence;

Four, that government consider pursuing a thorough review of the Department of Social Services;

Five, that Trust Legislation be developed and enacted in line with other provinces; and

Six, that the establishment of an autism strategy for Prince Edward Island be considered.

Your committee commends all Islanders who worked tirelessly every day to deliver social programs and offer support to Islanders in need.

Your committee was overwhelmed by the commitment and perseverance demonstrated by many of the presenters who spoke passionately on behalf of non-profit organizations and NGOs, citizen advocacy groups, and most importantly, for many struggling Islanders who often do not have a voice of their own.

Your committee would also like to thank the various government departments who contributed to your committee’s work, in particular the Office of Energy Efficiency for its continued dedication to providing viable solutions and options for all Islanders struggling with the increasing cost of home heating oil.

Your committee was also appreciative of the time and effort put into the presentations that were made and would like to thank all those who contributed their input during the past few months.

Social issues know no geographical boundaries and, more importantly, no partisan divides. As Chairman of this committee, I would like to take the opportunity to thank my fellow committee members for their commitment and diligence to understanding our mandate in the past few months.

Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Some Hon. Members: Hear, hear!

Speaker: Would anyone else like to speak?

Shall it carry?

Some Hon. Members: Carried.

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