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Apple’s Safari malware storm continues

Last week I wrote about Apple trying to install Safari, the internet browser, on my XP computer when it updated iTunes.

The malware attack from Apple continues this week with two attempts to install their software not accompanied by iTunes. I beginning to lose my trust for Apple.

I said no the first time and I mean no. What gives Apple the right to invade my computer like a Trojan or malware and attempt over and over to install something I don’t want.

The problem is getting notice in MacNewsWorld Mozilla Chief: Safari Push Borders on Malware Tactics where “Mozilla CEO John Lilly has called out Apple for its practice of making the installation of Safari 3.1 an opt-out feature of its latest Software Update. Software Update is used by many iTunes users running PCs, not all of whom may want Safari installed. Was it a simple mistake, or is Apple trying to leverage its dominance in music to strengthen its other platforms?”

On CNET some users complain and some defend Apple Buzz Out Loud Lounge: What’s the big deal about Safari push?

I think it is a shady, low practice. I can see once with an update to let you know its available. But to keep coming back is an invasion of my computer. Might take the polish off Apple.

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