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Why are all the people paid to represent us not disabled?

PEI Council of the Disabled - token employment of people with disabilities

It turns heads when real people with disabilities represented themselves.


PEI Council of the Disabled – token employment of people with disabilities

That rarely happens.

Look at PEI, the PEI Council of the Disabled has one employee of 16 with a disability. Last I heard they were making him drive from Montague to Summerside everyday to do his job. That’s the “treatment.” It used to be the other way around but they got rid of them.

The Province’s Disability Services Review Committee has virtually no members with disabilities. Here are 11 people who will decide our future and only one is a bona fide person with a disability.

The PEI Disability Support Program had two employees with disabilities: they didn’t replace one when she left and they transferred the other out. The people who are supposed to help us – they’re not disabled either.

Doesn’t it strike you as odd that only non-disabled people can look out for our interests?

Probably why supports, accessible housing, community access, and employment of persons with disabilities on PEI are so poor.

We can’t expect able people to really know our life or care? They’re all collecting salaries no matter what.

Perhaps we’ve become the industry of disability, a resource to create jobs for the able.

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