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Government story false says Pate

Despite statements in The Guardian, I was not fired”, says Stephen Pate Director of PEI Disbility Alert.

By Stephen Pate – “And I have the documents to prove it.”

“I terminated the contract with the Province in writing on January 27th after giving notice on the 24th. It was obvious to me that no one with any honor could serve under those circumstances. Islanders with disabilities expect me to advocate on their behalf.”

“Barry Schmidl of the PEI Council of the Disabled, quoted in the Guardian, was not a party to the agreement and doesn’t know what he is talking about,” said Pate.

“It is a matter of fact when and if a contract is ended. It’s the old joke: I quit. No, you can’t quit, you’re fired. The law says you can’t be fired if you already quit or vice versa.”

“My agreement with the Province said I could give notice to terminate the agreement in writing. That is exactly what I did on January 27th, 2008. It also says that the agreement ends upon delivery of that notice. Chris LeClair, the Premier’s Chief of Staff, acknowledged receipt of my email on the January 27th.”

“I resigned 16 days before the Deputy Minister attempted to end the contract. Her letter is an attempt to cover up or paper over the issue. The letter from the Deputy Minister, mailed on the 12th of February is like closing the gate after the horse has left the barn. The Deputy admitted in writing that her letter was a mistake.”

“Mr. Schmidl is ill informed. Why he is attempting to comment on a contract with the Premier’s Office is beyond me.”

“The reasons for leaving the SRC were complex but mainly tied to the ongoing campaign by the Director of Social Services and Seniors to frustrate my work.”

“I did not leave the SRC on a whim or pique. I was forced out by the Director of Social Services and Seniors who let it be known she did not want me on the Committee. This was confirmed by Chris LeClair of the Premier’s office, a cabinet minister and a local MLA.”

The facts speak for themselves.

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