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P.E.I. to mark Day of Persons with Disabilities

Prince Edward Island will be marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on Monday.

NUGE 2007The Guardian – Doug Currie, minister of social services and seniors, says he encourages Islanders to participate in community activities being hosted to promote a better understanding of disability issues and the community services available to persons with disabilities and their families.

Fourteen per cent of P.E.I.’s population, or approximately 19,000 people, have a disability,” says Currie. 

“We need to continue to include and accept people with disabilities into every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.”

The 2007 theme established by the Prince Edward Island Ministerial Advisory Committee on Disability Issues is “Opening Doors, Opening Minds, Seeing the Abilities.”

“People with disabilities have much to offer to the fabric of our society,” said Twilah Stone, chairwoman of the advisory committee. “We encourage all Islanders to welcome people with disabilities into their communities and their lives.”

International Day of Persons with a Disability was first proclaimed by the United Nations in 1992. According to the United Nations, this year’s International Day of Disabled Persons focuses on how to ensure meaningful work for persons with disabilities and on ways to tap into the abilities of this talent pool.

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“International Day for Disabled Persons to be Renamed” Disability Alert, October 30th, 2007

Currie says the province of Prince Edward Island, in partnership with individuals, community organizations and the private sector, is committed to ensuring that persons with disabilities have the supports needed to overcome barriers, attain a satisfactory quality of life and achieve financial independence.

To this end, he said, staff of the Department of Social Services and Seniors are presently working on a framework for a comprehensive review of programs and services available to individuals with disabilities and their families.

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