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Minister Announces Disability Services Review Committee

Honourable Doug Currie, Minister of Social Services and Seniors today announced members of the Disability Services Review Committee.

The mandate of the committee is to review the range of services now provided to persons with disabilities, carry out a public consultation process and report findings and recommendations to the Minister.

“Members of the committee were appointed by cabinet because of their demonstrated commitment and interest to ensuring community and government services available to persons with disabilities and their families,“ said the Minister.

Members of the committee include: Teresa Aitken, Bridget Cairns, Corinna Costain, Sharon Gallant, Kathy Pilkington, Kevin Porter, Charlene Stevens, Twilah Stone, Shelley Watts and Barry Schmidl.

Ex-officio members include Sharon Cameron, deputy minister and Kathy Jones, director of social programs of the Department of Social Services and Seniors as well as consultants Gordon MacKay and Stephen Pate.

Over the next few weeks, the review committee will develop a discussion paper to include statistics, trends, program information and questions for discussion and feedback. Stakeholder and public consultations will be organized throughout the province beginning in February 2008.

The comprehensive review will include research into best practices of international and pan-Canadian legislation, programs, and service models. These findings will be part of a report and recommendations to Government. The time frame for the review is expected to be six months.

More information about how Islanders can provide suggestions and feedback to the Disability Services Review Committee will be announced early in the new year.

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