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Currie announces disability benefit review

P.E.I. has removed income testing for people caring for young children with disabilities, and will conduct a full review of its support for people with disabilities.

pe-dougcurrieThursday, July 5, 2007 CBC News

The announcement by Health Minister Doug Currie Thursday is a direct response to a ruling by the Human Rights Commission last week.

“We are directing and calling for a comprehensive review of the programs and services available to individuals with disabilities and their families, including and beyond the Disability Support Program,”

A panel ruled it was unfair for the province to determine support based on family income for those caring for children under 18, since no income testing is done for people who care for adult children. It also ruled the formula the province used to determine how much support families receive favoured physical disabilities over mental disabilities.

In light of the human rights ruling, Currie said the province was changing its policy on income testing immediately, and reviewing the entire disabilities support system.
“We are directing and calling for a comprehensive review of the programs and services available to individuals with disabilities and their families, including and beyond the Disability Support Program,” Currie told CBC News.

The changes announced Thursday are retroactive to July 1 and will affect about 200 Island families. They will cost the province about $500,000 a year. The Disability Support Program has a budget of about $9 million.

The review will begin in the fall and will involve public consultation.

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