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The Sign Wars have started

The sign wars have started. New Democrat signs all over the city were torn down last night. One of our signs was taken down tonight and we don’t represent any party.

We used to see this kind of behavior in the past. Vandalism is not the way to win elections but this is often lost on thugs. I don’t know who tore down the NDP signs but it’s not democracy. It’s fascism, an attempt to stifle democracy through brute force. It’s not open: it’s done in the stealth of the night.

Our sign was on Brighton Road and had survived night after night. Tonight about dusk someone knocked it over. Who did it?
Well it wasn’t the NDP since they support more help for the disabled.

It wasn’t the Liberals since Richard Brown is openly supporting Disability Alert and increasing help for the disabled.

Was it people walking their dogs? Could be but not likely?

Was it Tories? That’s my guess since they have been attacking us for months? Attacking in the press, on the Internet and physically.

Guess the sign vandalism was predictable. Would it be easier to put the effort into helping Islanders with disabilities.

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