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Media, NJN

Media coverage of Disability issue plummets

Are PEI political pundits stuck in the past discussing issues that don’t affect real people with real needs? Perhaps it’s our naiveté but we expect hard-nosed political commentators to care about social justice and bring those stories forward especially during an election when politicians are sensitive to public moods.

PEI Disability Alert has been advocating for DSP reform including all of the above since December 2006. The PEI Council of the Disabled has asked the party leaders and candidates for support to improve the Disability Support Program. Seniors United Network asked the politicians for DSP reform.

If your party were to form the government of Prince Edward Island after the May 28 election, would you: (a) favour an amendment to the Disability Support Program to: (i) include coverage for all Islanders, regardless of age; (ii) expand the range of services, aids and equipment provided; and, (iii) ensure that disability support receives appropriate government funding?

Together we represent a combined population of almost 27,000 Islanders or 20% of the population.

Has CBC Compass examined the disability story during the election? Has the Guardian profiled the issue? Has the Eastern Graphic?

For example, since December CBC TV has aired at least 8 stories about the Disability Support Program or persons with disabilities.
Since the election call it has aired none. The Guardian and the Eastern Graphic covered a similar number of disability stores during the same period and virtually none since the election call.

When political panellists start discussing the election issues we hear about healthcare, jobs, the economy, a wage cut 13 years ago, student fees, etc.

For example, there are about 11,000 post-secondary students on PEI, which is an impressive number. However, as a demographic it is 40% of the number of Seniors and Islanders with Disabilities.

Islanders with disabilities including seniors constitute a major segment of Island society. Their treatment and alleged abuses by the current administration are known news stories. Why the silence from the media during this election? Are news stories and coverage driven by the politicians’ agenda or the agenda of what the people need and want to know?

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