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Cerebral Palsy is untreated in Montague

I arrived in Montague at 8 AM which was too early. There was hardly a soul going to the Post Office. What was wrong? Was everything now happening at Tim Horton’s? I asked and found out the mail wasn’t sorted until 10:30. Call ahead next time.

Is it possible that we might get a new Health and Disability Minister after this election? What we have had to put up with until now is almost criminal.

The time wasn’t wasted since the Eastern Graphic interviewed me. While that was happening a mother of two disabled children came by. Both her children have cerebral palsy.

She is from Newfoundland which has the Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre. The Janeway is a state of the art clinic for children that has been operating for 40 years.

I had heard about the Janeway from other parents. They believe Janeway treatment is essential to help their children with CP to rehabilitate.

The Province of PEI provides no similar rehabilitation and will neither sponsor the Janeway experts to come to PEI nor the children to travel to Newfoundland.

Cerebral Palsy is a common childhood disability. So common that most of the recent Easter Seals Ambassadors have had CP. The Province of PEI ignores the rehabilitation needs of these children.

That is another problem with the DSP and healthcare system on PEI. The Province just doesn’t put out the effort to treat Islanders with disabilities.

Is it possible that we might get a new Health and Disability Minister after this election? What we have had to put up with until now is almost criminal. How long with the smiling denials of real needs continue?

Once 10:30 came, the people came and I handed out several hundred flyers. We had some good discussions and at 12:30 I packed it in. Somewhat sunburned, exhausted but happy to help out.

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