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Tour of Hope in Montague

Stephen Pate, Campaign of Hope outside Kaylee Hall Poole's Corner PEI

Kaylee Hall

Stephen Pate, Campaign of Hope outside Kaylee Hall Poole's Corner PEI

Monday April 16th, 2007 – They were predicting heavy rain but it didn’t come. Instead we had raw cold wind last night in Poole’s Corner outside of Montague. We are on the second leg of our Tour of Hope.

In the afternoon we visited Montague businesses along Main Street. We talked to people and put up notices. I bored Michael with my stories of “This is where the St. Mary’s Hall blew up and burned down.”

Michael handed out Disability on PEI Quick Facts, our one pager, at the door to the Kaylee Hall as the PC delegates went into the building. The same man with the Tim Horton’s cup was there trying to get us to leave. Does he live in Tignish and Montague? Or does he just travel around with us?

I stayed off the shoulder of the road greeting people and generally drawing attention to our sign “Stop Taking Money from People in Wheelchairs.” As it got colder, I wheeled around on the shoulder to keep warm.

Two women gave us donations. People are kind. One man asked “What’s it about?”

“The government took money away from disability supports,” I replied “Did you know that a person at 65 can’t get a wheelchair from the DSP?”

“Don’t they have another department?” he asked.

“No, there is no other department that supplies wheelchairs.”

He shook his head and went inside.

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