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Style of social activism an ancient one

Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem” by Rembrandt van Rijn

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I agree that the style you espouse is a valid one. My belief is for this cause it would not work. Reasoned voices who tip toe gingerly around the issue are for others. I have that voice as well but I tried politeness and the government mistook it for weakness.

Styles used for social advocacy are well established in history. John the Baptist came out of the wilderness crying repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. He called King Herod’s wife an adulterer among his many pronouncements.

The prophet Elijah called down King Ahab for his sins. Jeremiah was so strong in his condemnation of the Kings of his day that the term ‘jeremiahed’ was coined to describe his critical protest.

Back in the days of those social advocates, for that is what prophets were, you could get beheaded for speaking out against a king or other government official. Now-a-days with democracy all you get is fired or a drive-by-smear campaign.

I resorted to calling Chester Gillan a denier, a prevaricator and finally just a plain old liar because he continues to deny the cut backs and other problems at the Disability Support Program. What do you do when your child continues to lie – you have to confront them with the falsehoods.

Chester’ sins do not result in minor annoyances. For a person with a disability who is denied a wheelchair or a scooter, the abuse of the DSP is a major debilitating event in their already difficult lives. We’re not asking for frills: these people need relief to just get by. For example, just this week one man’s lack of a scooter caused him to end up in the hospital. And Chester is in the Legislature pontificating on how reasonable the DSP is. Hogwash.

As a lonely voice crying out in the wilderness against abuse of Islanders with disabilities I will use whatever language I deem necessary to get the message out. I apologize if it offends anyone’s sensibilities. Since I am normally a gentle person, imagine how strong my moral indignation is to move me to speak so boldly.

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