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Rogerson appreciates DSP support

Eva Rogerson Hansard April 12th
Speaker: The hon. Member from West Point-Bloomfield.

Ms. Rodgerson: Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

I was glad that, at the end of the day, there was more support there than there was in the past for people with disabilities.

I know when we talk about less fortunate people in our society or people with low incomes or many issues that face them each day, when I look at a resolution like this, I know the intent is well meant. What I have done, it’s just like some of the previous speakers, is really soul-searched again.

Governments don’t have (Indistinct) generating revenue. But what I have to try and do is look at the people who come before me every day with their needs.

I think again of a young mother with a disabled daughter. I know this past few weeks there has been a lot of criticism around the Disability Support Program. I can honestly say, I worked for many situations where I was glad that, at the end of the day, there was more support there than there was in the past for people with

So I guess I wanted to stand today and again say, like the minister of finance and some of the previous speakers, that without taxes we would not be able to provide the services to
the people in this province. When I weigh all the odds, what I see each day, is I want when that person comes to the door and needs help – especially for the less fortunate families out there – I want to be able to have a program there that will meet their needs.

So, thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Some Hon. Members: Hear, hear!

Ed. speech edited for brievity. Please follow the link to the full speech.Hansard

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